Famous INTJs (Part 2): American Politics

  • Bernie Sanders: Independent Senator from Vermont. Ran for U.S. Democratic Presidential Primary in 2016 and 2020. Considered one of the leading voices for progressive and democratic socialist policies in the U.S. Married to Jane Sanders.
  • Kentanji Brown Jackson: U.S. Supreme Court Justice, appointed by President Joe Biden (ESFJ). First African-American woman to hold the position. Married to Patrick Jackson.
  • Andrew Yang: Former entrepreneur and Democrat turned Founder of Forward Party. Ran unsuccessfully in 2020 U.S. Democratic Presidential primary and 2021 New York City Democratic Mayoral primary. Leading proponent of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the United States. Married to Evelyn Lu.
  • Colin Powell: Former U.S. Secretary of State under George W. Bush (ESTP). Former Republican turned Independent. Considered a moderate voice in American politics. Married to Alma Johnson.
  • James Mattis: Politically independent Marine Four Star General and Former Secretary of Defense under Donald Trump (ESTP). Resigned over dispute with President Trump on military policy in Syria. Never married.
  • Steve Bannon: Former Executive Chairman of Breitbart and political advisor to Donald Trump (ESTP). Conservative. Divorced after 3 failed marriages.
  • Jared Kushner: Son-in-law and political advisor to Donald Trump (ESTP). Husband of Ivanka Trump (ESFJ). Considered more moderate among Trump's advisors, particularly Bannon.
  • Glenn Greenwald: Journalist most famous for working with Edward Snowden (INTP) to release details of U.S. global surveillance program. Has been friendly and critical to both mainstream political parties in the U.S. but identifies with the left. Gay and married to Brazilian politician David Miranda.
  • Matt Walsh: Conservative podcaster for the Daily Wire, co-founded by Ben Shapiro (ESTJ). Known as outspoken opponent against LGBTQ+ movement, particularly transgender and transgender youth related issues. Author of What is a Woman? and Johnny the Walrus. Known for sarcastic and dry humor. Married to Alyssa Walsh (EXFX).
  • Justin Amash: Former Libertarian member of Congress, who caucused with Republican Party and was a member of the Freedom Caucus. Strong advocate of impeaching President Donald Trump (ESTP).
  • Samantha Power: Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President Barack Obama (ENTP). Was forced to resign after calling Senator Hillary Clinton (ESTJ) a "monster" off the record.


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